Registration and Pricing

Race Distance

3/10 - 6/5

6/6 - 8/18

8/19 - 9/29 Deadline to register with shirt guaranteed is 9/29.

9/30 - 10/11
















Marathon Relay
(price per runner)





Registration Policies

Registration with shirt details: Marathon unisex hoodie, half-marathon gender-specific long sleeve tech shirt, 10K gender-specific short sleeve tech shirt, marathon relay gender-specific short sleeve tech shirt. All shirts are race-specific.

*IMPORTANT* Shirts are only guaranteed for registration received by 9/29. After 9/29, a limited amount of shirts are available at the finish line on a first come, first serve basis. We appreciate your understanding with this deadline that allows us to finalize event details.

Registration is non-refundable.

Transfers between race distances, or person to person: runner pays the difference in registration cost plus a $10 transfer fee. No refunds for transfers to a lower cost distance, cost of the original registration is credited to the new distance; $10 transfer fee is a separate cost. No online transfers after 9/29. Last chance transfers will be processed in person at packet pick up ONLY on 10/12. No email or Facebook message transfer requests will be processed.

Deferrals to the next year: runner pays the difference in registration cost plus a $10 deferral fee. No deferrals to the next year after 9/29.

We appreciate your understanding with our policies, as a non-profit, volunteer-led race, we have to balance our policies with what we can reliably provide for our runners.

Group of women running